Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

All time favorite character?
– Albus dumbledore
List the books in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
1. Deathly hallows
2. chamber of secrets
3. Order of the Phoenix
4. Half-Blood Prince
5. prisoner of azkaban
6. goblet of fire
7. Sorcerer’s Stone
List the movies in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
1. Prisoner of Azkaban
2. deathly hallows part 1
3. Order of the Phoenix
4. Goblet Of Fire
5. Chamber of Secrets
6. Sorcerer’s Stone
7. half-blood prince
Favorite chapter from your favorite book?
– Owl Post Again. Chapter 22, Prisoner of Azkaban.
Top 5 favorite characters?
1.  albus dumbledore
2. hermione granger
3. ron weasley
4. remus lupin
5.fred dan george
Five least favorite characters?
1. Dolores Umbridge
2. Bellatrix Lestrange
3. Lucius Malfoy
4. Filch
5. Draco Malfoy
Favorite member of the Golden Trio?
– Harry Potter
Favorite family?
– Weasley
Favorite antagonist?
– Snape
Favorite Death Eater?
– draco malfoy
Three favorite spells?
– Patronus Charm (Expecto Patronum)
– Finite Incantatem
– Morsmordre (Dark mark)
Three favorite potions?
– Veristarerum
– Felix Felicis
– Amortentia
Favorite Non-Hogwarts magical building?
– 12 Grimmauld Place – The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix
12 Grimmauld Place
Favorite Diagon Alley shop?
– Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes
Favorite Hogsmeade Shop?
Favorite Unforgivable Curse?
– Imperio
Favorite mode of wizard transportation?
– Broomsticks
Favorite Weasley?
– Fred and George
Favorite Order Member?
– Sirius Black
Sirius Black
Favorite DA Member?
– Neville Longbottom
Favorite pet?
– Hedwig
Favorite Hogwarts room?
– Headmaster’s office
Favorite Hogwarts Place?
– Forbidden Forest
Favorite Hogwarts Professor?
– Remus Lupin
Favorite non-human Hogwarts resident?
– Sir Cadogan
Favorite Tri-Wizard Champion?
– Cedric Diggory
Favorite House Elf?
– Dobby

Favorite Wizard sweet?
– Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans
Favorite canon couple?
–Harry dan Ginny
Favorite non-canon couple?
– Uh…
General Opinions
– The 7th book rocks!
Biggest surprise of the series?
– Dumbledore’s brother
Biggest letdown of the series?
– Uh…
One character you wish lived?
– Sirius Black
Moment that will always make you cry?
– The battle of Hogwarts
Your Patronus would be___?
– A wolf
Three things Amortentia would smell like to you.
– Candy
– Honey
– Flowers
You would use Felix Felicis to___?
– rob a bank. Haha.
Job you would most like to try?
– Knight Bus driver
Knight Bus
Ron/Hermione or Harry/Hermione?
– Ron/Hermione
James/Lily or Snape/Lily?
– James/Lily
Do you know which page Dumbledore was killed on?
– Page 595, soft-bound version.
Do you think Harry Potter is better than Twilight?
– Oh yes.
Are you going to go see the Half Blood Prince in theaters?
– I did.
Do you own the books/movies?
– I have the books. I’m still lack movies starting from the 5th.
Have you ever played any of the video games?
– Nope.
Don’t they kind of suck?
– I dunno.
Do you think it would be cool to have a pet owl?
– Yes.
How about a rat?
– I don’t think so.
Have you ever listened to the soundtrack?
– I play it when I’m working.
Which house would you want to be in?
– Gryffindor.
Do you like Draco?
– No.
Would you ever enter the Triwizard tournament?
– I don’t think so.
Triwizard Cup
Would you keep your money in Gringotts?
– Yes.
What class would be your favorite?
– Defense Against The Dark Arts (if Lupin’s gonna be my professor)
Do you think you would enjoy being a witch/wizard?
– Definitely.

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